Alright, rewind a bit, Friday afternoon a group of us went downtown San Jose to look around and do some shopping at the Artisan’s Market. I didn’t really buy anything because I’m stingy but I ate some strawberries and bought a mango then sat in the park and watched the pigeons. The lady and her son sitting next to us offered us some corn to feed the pigeons. We asked her what the word for pigeon was in Spanish and it turns out that it’s “paloma.” It was fun talking and interacting with her and her son.
A view of the downtown square with lots of palomas |
The block-long tunnel of vendors in San Jose selling their homemade ware, meeting all your souvenir needs...AKA the Artisans Market |
By the way, today I have been in Costa Rica for one whole month. Weird. But enough about today, let’s talk about our trip this past weekend. We all met at the university and took cabs to the bus station early Saturday morning. Since we had bought our tickets Friday, things went very smoothly. We got on the bus and took it the 2 hours to Jaco. Now Jaco is a big party town and beach area about 6 miles north of Playa Hermosa, the place we were going to stay at. We were hungry when we got off the bus so we went to the nearest restaurant in Jaco. It was called Jaco Taco. We sat down, a few of the group went to the bathroom, then the waiter handed us the menus. Errr…the prices were kind of high so we just got up and left. I told the waiter that we were going to leave because we didn’t have a lot of money. We kind of felt bad but I was nice not having to spend that much money on lunch.
After eating lunch at a not-so-expensive place, we headed to Playa Hermosa via taxis. We had the taxis drop us off at Cabinas Brisa Del Mar, a local hostel, because we had called ahead and asked if they had space for 11 people and they said they did. It turns out that arriving on Saturday in the afternoon was a bad idea because most all of the hostels were full or almost full. Brisa Del Mar had two rooms left for us but one only fit 4 people and the other only 2. However, the guy told us that most of the other places on the beach were full (not sure if he was being truthful or not) and that he had people waiting to rent the two rooms he was offering us (this fact was true). We took the rooms and just asked if people could sleep on the floor, etc.
A view of the small upstairs loft with the double bed. Caroline hung her hammock from the railing there too. |
A view of the first floor of the 7 person cabin. Notice the two single person beds. There was a small bathroom too under the second story. The girl with the red bathing suit is standing on where I slept that night. |
An outside view of our cabin which housed 7 of the 11 in our group. |
Okay, we had 7 people in the room that could only fit 4 and 4 people in the room that could only fit 2. In the 7 person room, 3 people slept on the double bed, 2 people took the single beds for themselves, Caroline slept in her hammock somehow, and I slept on the floor with a towel as my mattress and my backpack as a pillow. I felt like a pioneer and probably slept like one too. Roughin’ it.
The sunset at Playa Hermosa featuring the silhouette of Caroline. |
The beach at Hermosa was amazing. It was a volcanic beach so the sand was black and since it wasn’t Jaco beach, it was less populated with drunken fools and less dirty. Jaco beach was extremely trashy, literally, with tons of people and lots of rocks on the beach. Hermosa was just the opposite and very relaxing. Most of us spent all day Saturday on the beach until the sunset hit. No surfing for me or Caroline but I did make a lot of “poopy” sandcastles, we saw a handful of Scarlet Macaws (actual real life wild parrots!), and some of us saw an Iguana too. The parrots were eating from a beach walnut tree, just cracking the shells and popping out the nuts. It was truly amazing to watch the parrots eat walnuts only about 20 feet above our heads. I think I saw more wildlife at the beach Saturday than I had seen at all the national and state parks I had been to on other excursions.
A Scarlet Macaw courtesy of Caroline |
A view of Playa Hermosa |
For dinner that night after the sun went down, we went to the local Super and bought some bread and peanut butter and some corn flakes and milk for breakfast the next day. We closed out the night on the beach. A lot of people went inside to sleep but a few of us stayed outside later. Caroline and I sat in her hammock and talked about life in Hawaii and how we’re going to open up a surf shop/restaurant one day. Later I joined Emily, Laura, and Josh on the beach and had a glass of wine out of a box. It was enjoyable…the beach, not the wine. The wine was nasty. And somehow I talked Emily into giving me a massage too. Ahhh… a life on the beach.
Some of the group having fun in the Pacific ocean |
The next day we spent on the beach too. We had to leave the hostel by noon so we just caught the bus back to Jaco (barely, by the way) because our bus back to San Jose was going to leave from Jaco. Once in Jaco again, we all found a park to sit down in and eat lunch (peanut butter sandwiches again). We then set a meeting time and everyone broke out into smaller groups to go and do what they wanted in town. Out of the group, only Caroline and I wanted to go to the beach again. We just laid out some, played in the ocean a bit, talked about God and how the ocean is a lot like Him, and built an awesome sand castle complete with drawbridge and swimming pool. We named it the Jaco Taco Fortress or JTF for any acronym lovers.
Our sandcastle |

The bus for San Jose left Jaco at 5:15 and was supposed to be a 2 hour ride. Needless to say we didn’t get home until 9:15pm. Basically, we hit a TON of traffic and construction on the way back. Our bus driver took us down dirt roads and secret shortcuts to try to bypass a lot of it. The bus, by the way, was a big bus. It had at least 50 people on it. Yet, there were not 50 seats on the bus so those who didn’t get a ticket with a seat had to stand…the entire trip. You could tell their legs were hurting so about 2-3 hours in I offered my seat to an older lady. While I paid for the seat I would have wanted someone to do the same for me. She took it readily and thanked me. I asked her in Spanish too which was a triumph all its own. I had wanted to give up my seat on the way to Playa Hermosa too but I didn’t because I didn’t want to embarrass myself butchering the language. On the bus back to San Jose I felt the same way but realized that if the language barrier was the only thing keeping me from offering my seat, why not try anyways? Maybe my action would help change the perception of the “Ugly American” a little in the mind of one Costa Rican.
Anyways, about 45 minutes out from San Jose, a rather large scorpion somehow made its way onto the bus near the front and everyone started screaming and running towards the back of the bus. We were close to the back of the bus and I had a little boy run to me and hug my legs because he was scared. It was quite comical and someone eventually killed it with a shoe. I felt like it brought our bus closer together. Overall, the trip was a blast. Even though the sleeping arrangements weren’t the best, even though I got incredibly red the second day on the beach because I didn’t wear sunscreen, and even though the bus ride was long and uncomfortable, the weekend was worth every second. Thank you everyone for making it a memorable and enjoyable time.
No Spanish today. Basic II starts tomorrow. Wish me luck as I branch out and leave the shelter of the “present tense” and enter into the realm of the “preterit tense.”